Systems Thinking without Boundaries

In the field of management cybernetics and Lean performance improvement, when problems in operating processes or pain points are detected they are welcomed because they are indications that operating aspects of a process are not seamlessly integrated with the surrounding environment the organization is functioning within. As such, when an operating pain point is detected, it is not frowned upon but cheered because it points to an opportunity to adjust operations to be more in harmony with the external changing environment feeding an operation in the form of information, material and people, aka external energy. The same principle applies to the individual and the best model to illustrate this is Quantum Psychology. Pain that is experienced in the physical body of a person is connected to the more subtle energy bodies or layers that exists within the person. We now know through the science of acupuncture, holistic medicine and the yogic sciences that these subtle energy layers extent out to our physical operating environment. So similar to the way that we experience pain points in the organization, such physical indications within us signal opportunities to better integrate with the ever-changing flow of the energy surrounding us in our functioning environment. Similar to how we make an internal adjustment within a process to improve the flow of our operating process, resulting not only in an internal change but also an external one, in our personal environment, when we remedy a physical pain experience, it has an internal and external physical and energetic impact on our surroundings. This is True Systems thinking.